Darla K. Hagge Ph.D., CCC-SLP: Earned her BA and MS in communication disorders from California State University Fullerton, and her Ph.D. in Education with an emphasis in Disability Studies from Chapman University. She is an assistant professor and graduate coordinator in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology at California State University Sacramento, speech-language pathologist at St. Jude Medical Center, and founder/director of NeuroService Alliance, a collection of life-participation approach community-based programs for adults with acquired communication disorders. She is an affiliate of the National Aphasia Association, governance committee member of AphasiaAccess, and consulting editor for Communication Disorders Quarterly. Dr. Hagge is part of the California Interprofessional Education Research Academy (CA-IPERA), co-founded by Drs. Nassrine Noureddine, Darla Hagge, Debra Brady and William Ofstad in 2014. She is the co-primary author for the recently approved California State University Sacramento College of Health and Human Services Interprofessional Education Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. Dr. Hagge’s area of scholarship focus is in acquired neurogenic communication disorders, interprofessional education, cultural competence, simulation and curriculum development.