Please read below a message from the principal investigator of the research from Abilene Christian University. Your participation in this survey will be greatly appreciated!

As an undergraduate student at Abilene Christian University (ACU) in the communication sciences and disorders program, I extend an invitation to you to participate in a research survey regarding the impact a free water protocol can have on a swallowing patients’ dietary compliance. Your participation will require approximately 15 minutes or less, and is completely administered online.  The survey is confidential and will acquire no identifying information. This is an ACU IRB approved research IRB #17-013.

For questions or concerns, you may contact:

Principal Investigator: Meagan McBride

Faculty Investigator: Dr. Lynette Austin

If you have concerns about this study or general questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact ACU’s Chair of the Institutional Review Board and Director of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Megan Roth, Ph.D.

Dr. Roth may be reached at (325), 320 Hardin Administration Bldg, ACU Box 29103, Abilene, TX 79699

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

Here is the link to access the survey:

Survey Link